DGSA Bohemia ltd. company organizes courses for holders of a valid boatmaster’s license “Training for aptitude for navigating of Vessel by using of radar”. Preparation consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part takes place in the training centre of our company in Děčín (the building of the Public Ports “NA HEGRU”), the practical part is on the M 4 vessel in the port of Rozbělesy. The final exam is performed at the Děčín Navigation Authority (computer test), and a practical exam at the Děčín-Rozbělesy port.

Type of radar: Radio Holland, typ RHRS2005 CRTFT
Vessel: tugboat M-4 (ENI: 32200695)
Applicants can register for the course via online registration form on our website or by phone at: +420 735 856 424 or via email: academy@dgsa.cz. At the same time, it is necessary to send an application form for the examination to the Navigation Authority at least 10 days before the date of the examination (https://plavebniurad.cz/dok-os/vedeni-plavidla-pomoci-radaru).
The price of Training aptitude course: 7 900 CZK*
* This price includes costs associated with the operation of the vessel and is also invoiced to the participants of final exam, who do not attend the training course.
* All prices include VAT